
Friday, July 20, 2012

The Gamusi Family

The Gamusi family joined the AOET Children’s village in January of 2012. Before AOET, they lived in a one room shack house in the slums of Jinja town.

When they applied to join the AOET Children’s village as foster parents, we thought they were too old to qualify for this offer. However, we talked to them and realized a few things that they and AOET shared in common.  They were VERY mature Christians! While they shared with us why they needed to be foster parents at AOET, they shared with us how they prayed with their children every night before going to bed, how they required their children to memorize Scripture, study the Bible, etc. They also shared the vision of caring for orphaned children (same as AOET) – they had a desire to foster children, but both parents were none to low income earners who could not raise the needed tuition for their five school going age children.

God had answered their prayers, – with AOET, they got enough space to live with their children! A big house and garden where they would grow crops to take care of the family.

AOET-Uganda has committed to paying school fees for ALL the children and AOET gave the family a piece of land on which they have cultivated crops hence reducing on the cost of buying food for the home.

Now they are  helping AOET take care of the spiritual aspect of our Children’s village! They run all the Children’s village community Christian fellowshipsCurrently, in addition to their five children, they are fostering 2, 14 year old boys. Both were living by themselves having lost their parents to AIDS.

The family is optimistic that with the increased income and reduction of expenditure on food and rent, they will have savings that will enable them to buy a piece of land and build a home where they will integrate into the larger community after the five years that AOET gives Foster parents in the AOET housing.


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