
Thursday, August 9, 2012

Love in Action - Baby T.J.

This post was written by Pastor Joe Coffey and is being re-posted from his Red Like Blood Blog:


Baby T.J.

A year ago we competed our first Micah 6:8 Bike Challenge. The idea was to raise money for justice and mercy ministries around this area. One of the ministries we focused on was Pregnancy Services and Solutions. PSS is a unique ministry that tries to save the unborn. Their strategy is to outfit an RV with ultrasound equipment. They park the RV near an abortion clinic and offer women a free ultrasound just so they can see what is growing inside of them. They also offer counseling and diapers for a year if someone decides to have the baby.
Through the bike challenge we were able to purchase and outfit an RV. They named it MICAH.
Soon after MICAH hit the road PSS got a call. The girl was 14 years old. She thought they were abortion providers and called to schedule an appointment to terminate the pregnancy before her mother found out. They asked her if she wanted to come in to talk about it and maybe take a look at an ultrasound of what the baby looked like right then. She said she wanted to but couldn’t drive and of course didn’t want to ask her mother.
PSS asked if there was a parking lot near her house. She directed them to a strip mall within walking distance. When the RV arrived they gave her a call. They sat with her and spent time talking through all that was happening. They showed her an ultrasound. She decided to have the baby.
The photo you see is T.J.  He is one of over 50 children saved since MICAH hit the road.
I just wanted you to go through today knowing that justice and mercy is finding it’s way out of our church and sometimes results in a life being saved…literally.
Beautiful little T.J. is alive because someone had an idea to put an ultrasound in an RV and make it mobile. I love when God gives us simple ideas to do more than we could ever imagine.


Jacquelyn Stager said...

Praising God for this...wondering what kind of help/followup is in place for mother and child?

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